Tuesday 24 June 2014

Hi everyone,

There has been a lot going on over the past few weeks. I helped out with my first wedding ceremony 2 weeks ago which was really exciting. I helped set up for the ceremony doing checks on technical equipment and greeted the guests, showing them where to go. I was even given the responsibility to help prompt the bride on the right time to enter into the room!

I’ve also had a lot of training over the past few weeks, but not all of it was conventional as the normal health and safety training. I was trained how to handle some exotic bugs! The museum have brought in 6 species of bugs from Blackpool Zoo, so we now have; Giant African Land Snails, Madagascan Hissing Cockroaches, Deaths Head Cockroaches, Desert locusts, Indian Green Stick Insects and African Sun Beetles! I’m afraid to say I only managed to hold 3 of the insects as I’m a bit of a wimp!  They are on display in the Borders Gallery and we are soon going to be having handling sessions with the public so they definitely worth a visit!

I also recently I went alongside my fellow apprentice Katie to visit the other museums within the CMC to see how Tullie House and the other museums differ. I visited Blackwell House, Abbot Hall and the Museum of Lakeland Life and Industry. They were all really good, my favourite being the Museum of Lakeland Life and Industry as it had a street in it representing how the shops would have looked in the olden days as well as a typical living room and bedroom layout. It was something different to see!

I better get back to work, don’t forget to come see the exotic bugs next time you’re passing!

African Sun Beetle
Desert Locust

Monday 9 June 2014

Since my last update my timetable has become very full! There’s never a dull moment! 

I am currently busy helping put together this years Summer Fayre. I won’t give away what’s going to be happening on the day, I’ll just say it’s going to be great fun and you’ll definitely miss out if you don’t go!

As well as the Summer Fayre, I have been taught lots of new skills regarding events organisation, such as how to make room bookings on the computer systems here. I also got the opportunity to help set up the Function Room in the style of a Wedding in preparation for a photo shoot, which was really exciting! I have had a glimpse at the pictures and they look lovely.

On top of this I have been cracking on with my NVQ work and Arts Award. I have made a good start so far and my Arts Award folder is starting to take shape! The theme I have chosen for my Arts Award is Fashion as it is something I am really interested in. As part of my work I have to choose an Arts Hero or Heroine so since my theme is fashion I decided to look at Kate Plumtree whose outfit designs are inspired by Britain’s nature. I love how her creations are so original, they are just totally fascinating.From the 28th June her collection will be on display here in Tullie House and I can’t wait to see it!

Anyway it’s back to work for me, keep an eye out for my next post!

Claire Bell